Our partners – Old

VivaZome Therapeutics has drawn together a highly capable team of experts covering all the key elements of product development and commercialisation.

This expertise is  accessible to Vivazome through founders,  advisors and  partners. In the case of the advisers and partners, the Vivazome founders have drawn upon their deep understanding of the sector and their extensive network of contacts to identify the “right” people for the VivaZome projects.

CRC-P Participants

La Trobe University  https://www.latrobe.edu.au/lims

SeerPharma Pty Ltd https://www.seerpharma.com/


Collaborators  and expert Service Providers

CSIRO  https://www.csiro.au/en/Research/MF/Areas/Biomedical

ToolGen Inc  http://eng.toolgen.com/