A portfolio with profound benefits for patients and doctors

Our first focus is on diseases associated with neuro-inflammation, especially Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

and Post-Traumatic Epilepsy (PTE)

Exosome-based therapies to treat serious diseases

Developing proprietary manufacturing technology and processes for high value exosome products

Working with global partners to take Australian innovation to the world

Our highly capable expert team has significant experience in the development and commercialisation of biological therapies


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Our mission

To be a global leader in providing novel, valuable and safe exosome-derived therapies for debilitating and life-threatening diseases

Therapies for serious diseases

Our focus is on developing therapies for debilitating and/or life-threatening disorders where current treatment are inadequate, have low efficacy or are poorly tolerated. We look to established pre-clinical disease models that have potential for VivaZome therapy to provide a clinically dramatic treatment effect.

Global orientation

With a global orientation from the outset our mission is to take the VivaZome therapies to the world’s major markets. Critical to this is early engagement with regulators in major jurisdictions and securing global or regional partners to support clinical studies, access and sales in major markets.

Research and development

Identify and secure potential cell sources for exosomes for the target disorder. Characterisation  and definition of the exosomes. Conduct of small-scale pilot clinical studies to demonstrate safety and, where possible, provide efficacy signals. Undertaking multi-national multi-centre clinical studies to support product registration and reimbursement.

Good manufacturing process

Development of a scale-able, validated, cost-efficient GMP manufacturing process, with fully-integrated quality systems. This may include licensing of relevant technologies and/or joint projects with major technology providers.

Capital investment

Raising investor and grant capital to fund the development and scientific work. Ongoing scientific studies to enhance the clinical utility of the therapies and further strengthen the international IP position.

Project management

Project management to ensure all activities are closely managed for cost and timing and milestones are achieved.

Exosome technologies

Exosome therapy is a relatively new concept, with  both challenges and significant opportunities

Why exosomes?

Exosomes are nanosized vesicles (50-200nm) released naturally by cells. They are important effectors of cell communication. A key mechanism by which cell therapies work is via release and uptake of exosomes.

Some of the properties of exosomes are:

  • they contain unique mix of molecular cargo (including miRNA, proteins, peptides, lipids) that underpin their biological effect
  • they have homing capabilities that allow them to travel to the site of injury or disease
  • their immunomodulatory properties helps normalise the immune system
  • being low/non-immunogenic they are not rejected by the body
  • they have other bioactive properties based on parent cell e.g. angiogenesis, anti-fibrotic, regenerative, etc.

A: Cell

B: Exosome

Meet our board and management

Over 120 years of combined biotech, cell biology and pharmaceutical experience

Ian Nisbet
Ian Nisbet


Ian has over 30 years biologicals and biotech experience in senior management, corporate advisory and company director roles.

Craig Newton
Craig Newton

Non-Executive Director

Craig has more than 30 years experience in the medical device, pharmaceutical and biotech sectors in Australia, Asia and Europe.

David Haylock

Chief Scientific Officer

David has over 35 years experience in cell biology, cell therapies and operational management with senior scientific leadership roles.

Xenia Sango

Chief Executive Officer and MD

Xenia is an experienced leader in healthcare with over 30 years in senior operational, commercialisation, clinical, regulatory roles.

Contact us


Ian Nisbet PhD

Email: ian.nisbet@vivazome.com

Tel: +61 (0) 431 709 121

Craig Newton

Email: craig.newton@vivazome.com

Tel: +61 (0) 434 674 256

Anthony Filippis PhD

Email: filippis@afandin.com

Xenia Sango

Email: xenia.sango@vivazome.com

Tel: +61 (0) 406 180 812